About Us

Management and the Board of Trustees

The Vassar Square Condominium Association is governed by a five-member Board of Trustees elected by the unit owners. The By-Laws of the building detail the roles of the Board and its governance. Board members set the goals and policies for the association, and have assigned a general manager responsibility for managing day to day operations.

The President, Paul Snyderman, has general oversight responsibilities for the association and the Board. He meets regularly with Melanie Lorenz, the General Manager. He is also responsible for scheduling Board meetings and work sessions as the need arises. The other board members are Gary Fisher – Secretary; Randy Marcus – Treasurer; Steve Shapiro – Trustee; and Ahmet Aktan – Trustee. The roles of the Board members are self-determined in an organizational meeting immediately following the annual meeting. Board members cannot run for specific Board positions.

Other Board responsibilities include approving the annual budget, setting the schedule for capital improvements, managing the reserve account, making periodic adjustments to monthly condominium fees, determining capital assessments, when needed, and monitoring the needs of the building. The Board sets the policies and direction for the building and the management and staff carry them out. As the elected representatives, the Board has oversight responsibility for Vassar Square and represents the best interests of the 212 unit owners throughout their terms.

The General Manager, Melanie Lorenz, is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the building. Duties include managing the budget, expenditures, vendor contracts, payroll and personnel along with other duties that may arise. In addition, she oversees the schedule and the daily work done to maintain and improve the building. Melanie is the go-to person for anyone in the building who has a question, concern, or problem.

Please feel free to let us know your comments, suggestions, or concerns. You may use the Contact Us and Suggestions page on this website. The Board of Trustees, the building management, and the entire staff seek the very best for the building and its residents, and that begins with you.

Meet Our General Manager

Melanie has a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Business Administration, Management and Operations from Temple University and an Associates Degree from Manor College.  

She is a mother to five wonderful children, aged 38, 35, 33, 31, and 16. As a proud grandmother of five grandchildren - four grandsons and one granddaughter, family holds a special place in her heart.  She is also fortunate to be married to a wonderful man who is a retired police officer.  Apart from family, she enjoys fishing and indulging in art and jewelry making. As a resident of South New Jersey, her roots trace back to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, near Bucks County. She is the youngest of four siblings and takes pride in being a genuinely kindhearted individual. In her time off, she often enjoys biking and outdoor activities. Music has always been a passion of Melanie's, especially attending concerts by iconic bands.

Melanie is an employee of Camco and lives locally with her husband and son.

Our Board

Meet our current Board of Trustees...

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